ID: 59186
Level: 99

HP: 100
MP: 1
Defense (DP): 1
Evasion: 1

- Description:
Roussea, the younger sister of the legendary hunter Robeau who had lost his life in a freak accident.

After losing their parents, her much older brother raised her himself, and soon Roussea became a hunter as good as Robeau. After Robeau went missing, she searched the entire world for him but to no avail. So when she heard the news that one adventurer had found him, she left for a new adventure to O'dyllita.

Boasting a fiery temper and exceptional hunting skills, even the Ahib tread lightly around her. Roussea deals with troublesome animals for the Ahib, and is the only human being to trade on equal terms with them.
Gives knowledge on discovery:
- Roussea

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