Level: 99 HP: 10,000 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 2 Evasion: 1 Damage Reduction: 1 Horoscope: Key Interest Level: 32 ~ 35 Favor: 31 ~ 33 Node Manager Tungrad Forest | |
Interests: Node Managers (Mediah) (0/4) Node Managers (Mediah) (0/4) Node Managers (Mediah) (0/4) - Description: One of the best of the Kamasylve soldiers, Jerombo was wandering around Mediah searching for a truly worthy opponent to duel when she heard a rumor that pulled her to Tungrad Forest. She found all kinds of mighty opponents here and decided to stay on and train, hoping to take her skills to a new level. Gives knowledge on discovery: - Jerombo |
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