ID: 47535/1
Lee Gyueun
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
In Asadal Market, there were widespread rumors about a girl known for her upright conduct and beauty, said to be the finest in the Land of the Morning Light. That girl was none other than Gyueun. Her father was also a respected yangban who would open his storage to aid the people during times of famine.
Such virtuous deeds reached the ears of the royal court, and at the age of 14, Gyueun was summoned to stand before the royal family. Impressed by her, the royal elders selected her as a royal concubine.

After becoming a royal concubine at a young age, Gyueun received unwavering support and help from Queen Ikseon. Over time, the two became inseparable friends.

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