ID: 47436
Level: 99
HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
Nadekron, who is in charge of the Larc Guard Post, doesn't take his role lightly. He's the kind who wouldn't miss a single detail—not even the harshest sandstorms can deter his watchful gaze. In fact, he's so committed that he once sounded an alarm at a mere joke about the Sezec Mercenary Camp being overtaken.

However, there's a hitch in his unwavering dedication. He's so engrossed in his duty that he often neglects the camaraderie of his fellow guards. Casual banter? To him, even the slightest distraction could be Muzgar's undoing. Yet, one can't help but wonder: is he guarding for the true residents of Muzgar or merely the interests of the Shen Merchant Guild residing there?

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