ID: 47401
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
At a young age, Meryal, affiliated with the Shen Merchant Guild, was tasked to manage the materials shop in Muzgar following her father's directive. This very establishment once belonged to Ismail, but after his unfortunate clash with the guild, it fell into the hands of Meryal's family. Her father saw it as an investment, envisioning the shop as Meryal's training ground in the world of commerce.

But Meryal's heart wasn't in trading. With a wisdom beyond her years, she perceived herself as a pawn in her father's grand plan, merely a stepping stone for his aspirations within the guild. Her greatest fear was that, after her "lessons" in business, she'd be parceled off in marriage to some wealthy guild magnate, known to her only by name and reputation.

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