ID: 47380
Level: 99

HP: 10,000
MP: 1

- Description:
When the Three Days of Darkness from Mediah covered Ulukita, the native Uluans, all disappeared. However, he miraculously survived because he was in Splashing Point at that time.

When he returned, the homeland of the Uluans, the Kermelun Wilds, had transformed into an unbelievable sight... After wandering alone for several years in search of traces of the Uluans who had also survived, he was discovered and captured by Sezec mercenaries who were recently hired for the development of the southern region of Mediah.

The Sezecs have no interest in the current situation or history of Ulukita that he knows. They only captured him in pursuit of the rare treasures of Ulukita. However... his response was always the same.

"If there is a treasure, I would have it. Treasures only seek out those who are permitted."

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