Level: 99 HP: 10,000 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 10 Evasion: 10 Horoscope: Sealing Stone Interest Level: 37 ~ 40 Favor: 25 ~ 28 | |
Interests: Residents of the Isles (0/5) Balenos Islands (0/5) Velia Adventure Log (0/5) - Description: Dustin is the blacksmith of Weita Island. Tired of working as a blacksmith on Iliya Island, Dustin took off on a journey but lost direction and landed on Weita Island. He found a strange cave and went inside to look for precious minerals, but is now standing outside of it in fear after encountering a strange creature. Gives knowledge on discovery: - Dustin |
ID | Title | Level | Region | EXP | Skill EXP | Contribution EXP | Quest Rewards | REWARD_TYPES | SUBTYPE | |
ID | Title | Level | Region | EXP | Skill EXP | Contribution EXP | Quest Rewards | REWARD_TYPES | SUBTYPE | |
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