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Level: 63 HP: 1,048,125 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 996 Evasion: 671 Damage Reduction: 325 XP: 27,502,569 Skill XP: 201,237 Karma: 28 |
- Description: Merkish - Description: As I was about to leave Vahmalkea, I saw the same two-handed swordsman I had happened upon by chance at the start of my journey. It had seemed the swordsman had improved since I last saw him, and his latest maneuvers were even more dazzling to behold. As before, I hastily stopped, found a quiet place devoid of people, and added further details to my journal. When I get back to Atoraxxion, I will compile all my notes and make a truly worthy weapon indeed. - Vaha Knowledge: - Merkish |