Level: 43 HP: 1,061 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 367 Evasion: 357 Damage Reduction: 10 XP: 93,516 Karma: 65 Knowledge drop chance: 50.00% | |
- Description: Petrified Laborer Sculpture - Description: Controversy surrounds the name of this sculpture. It is based on the image of dying workers with the Petrifying Disease as they stiffen into solid rock. Some saw a sad aesthetic beauty in the postures of these petrified workers, as if they were truly living sculptures, and the piece was named based on that. Unsurprisingly, most of the families of these workers find the whole thing very offensive. Knowledge: - Petrified Laborer Sculpture |
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ID | Title | Level | Region | EXP | Skill EXP | Contribution EXP | Quest Rewards | REWARD_TYPES | SUBTYPE | |
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