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Level: 50 HP: 127,070 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 484 Evasion: 449 Damage Reduction: 35 XP: 2,505,749 Skill XP: 808,444 Karma: 80 Knowledge drop chance: 10.00% |
- Description: Queen Stoneback Crab - Description: There is a rumor of a monster lurking within Faust Forest. Nobody knows much about this supposed monster. Stoneback Crabs are excellent at concealing themselves by their very nature and spend most of their time alone. Notably, however, the Queen Stoneback Crab is said to be guarded by hordes of other Stoneback Crabs. Knowledge: - Queen Stoneback Crab |
3566/1 | Giant Stoneback Crab Rumors | 1 | Northern Calpheon | 0 | 0 | 500 | ||
3567/1 | Giant Stoneback Crab Subjugation | 1 | Northern Calpheon | 0 | 0 | 100 |
209 | Epitome of Hardness | Combat | |
208 | Queen Stoneback Crab Champion | Combat |