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Level: 64 HP: 376,676 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 1115 Evasion: 742 Damage Reduction: 373 XP: 32,705,758 Skill XP: 219,532 Karma: 95 |
- Description: Harbinger of Immorality - Description: Blackstar's bloody creation. It is said that the harbingers have the ability to interpret the language of the star. The Harbinger of Immorality protects itself with a heavy shield and stuns its enemies with a blunt weapon. The Harbinger of Immorality interprets what it heard from the star into their own language and writes it down in an unknown place with its blood. However, no one has been able to find the secret place or even guess what it could mean. Knowledge: - Harbinger of Immorality |
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