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Level: 60 HP: 380,012 MP: 1 Defense (DP): 502 Evasion: 467 Damage Reduction: 35 XP: 5,203,188 Skill XP: 1,280,603 Karma: 95 Knowledge drop chance: 5.00% |
- Description: Mutant Tree Spirit - Description: The Tree Spirit of North Kaia Mountain has a much larger body than others of its kind. People call it a mutant because of its oddly aggressive behavior that cannot be seen in other tree spirits. Ecologists say that, given that its habitat is not so far from Calpheon, the Mutant Tree Spirit might have become vicious to protect the forest from intruders. In fact, these spirits never attack deer around the forest they share their habitat with. Knowledge: - Mutant Tree Spirit |
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