ID: 8589
Dried Barbel Steed
KR name: 말린 누치
icon - Crafting Materials
Weight: 0.50 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.10 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
Possible substitution
Item group #5101
- Description:
This item has been dried. You will need twice as much of it for cooking compared to when cooking with the non-dried version. It can also be crafted into a trade item at a Fish Workshop.
※ Drying decreases the value of fish/seafood, but prevents it from spoiling.
Processing Material: Barbel Steed (Fishing)
Dried Barbel Steed made by Drying. Processed materials can be utilized in Alchemy, Cooking, or Crafting, based on their specific properties. Processing not only enhances a material's preservability and quality but also adapts it for a variety of uses. To acquire knowledge in Processing, you can build Amity with certain NPCs or complete specific quests. Note that drying is only feasible in sunny weather. Additionally, while drying meat and fish improves their preservability, it also reduces their value.
- Dried Barbel Steed

In-game market price:
NA: 4,550In Stock: 0
EU: 4,550In Stock: 0
NA Console: 4,210In Stock: 278
EU Console: 4,450In Stock: 57

Buy price: 3,800coin
Sell price: 152
Repair price: -

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