ID: 821156
Artisinal Charred Timber
KR name: 장인의 손길이 닿은 그을린 목재
icon - Crafting Materials
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A marvel of nature, this timber with beautiful black grain is as solid as the mountains and heavy enough to sink in water. A testament to the artisan's mastery, its quality is unmatched.

- Usage: Crafting material for Royal Workshop processed deliveries

- How to Obtain: Royal Workshop production

※ Producing this good at the Royal Workshops with 150 worker speed takes approx. 1 day and 5 hours.
Buy price: 10,020,000coin
Sell price: 1,002,000
Repair price: -

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