ID: 821021
KR name: 가아
icon - Crafting Materials
Weight: 3.00 LT
Lifespan: 1d
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
An ingredient that can be obtained through Fishing. Trade Managers will buy it at a very high price.
- Prize Catch

※ You can sell the fish you caught to Trade Managers located in major towns and cities.
The gar, with its long snout and teeth, looks so much like a crocodile that it often causes confusion. Kids playing by streams or rivers might spot a school of gar and rush to tell the grown-ups about a crocodile sighting. But when the adults arrive, armed with sickles and hoes, they usually find it's just a bunch of gar, not crocodiles.
- Gar
Fish Guide:
- Gar
Buy price: 150,000,000coin
Sell price: -
Repair price: -
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Ehasita 8-01-2025 11:29
Поймала в речке впадающей в море на узле Наксион (Одираксия).

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Added by Ehasita (8-01-2025)
Added by Ehasita (8-01-2025)
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