ID: 821016
Moon Jelly
KR name: 보름달물해파리
icon - Crafting Materials
Weight: 1.00 LT
Lifespan: 1d
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
An ingredient that can be obtained through Fishing. Trade Managers will buy it at a very high price.
- Prize Catch

※ You can sell the fish you caught to Trade Managers located in major towns and cities.
When the full moon is up, you can spot the stunning moon jelly. This jellyfish floats to the surface to soak in the moonlight, glowing with a bluish-purple tint that makes it look like moon fairy.
- Moon Jelly
Fish Guide:
- Moon Jelly
Buy price: 400,000,000coin
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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