ID: 820150
Miraculous Herbal Medicine
KR name: 신묘한 한방제
icon Consumable
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
- Description:
Herbal Medicine made with a Strange and Beautiful Herb. It is said to rid your body of all fatigue and give you energy as soon as you take it. It is an expensive herbal medicine that is highly effective for temporary energy circulation.

- Usage: Gain the following effects

- Effects:
Instantly recover 500 Energy
Energy Recovery +30

- Duration: 60 min
- Cooldown: 22 hr

- How to Obtain: Processing (L) - Simple Alchemy

- Crafting Materials #1
Strange and Beautiful Herb x50
Energy Potion (Extra Large) x1
Everlasting Herb x5
Mysterious Powder x10
This medicine is concocted using beautiful but mysterious herbs. It helps energize and invigorate your body naturally, and alleviates fatigue. It can be expensive, but is worth every penny.
Usage effect:
Miraculous Herbal Medicine

- Miraculous Herbal Medicine

In-game market price:
NA: 84,000,000 In Stock: 0
EU: 84,000,000 In Stock: 0
NA Console: 84,000,000 In Stock: 0
EU Console: 84,000,000 In Stock: 0

Buy price: -
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