ID: 790110
C-10 Boss Blitz Reward: Apex Changui (Rank 3)
KR name: 십재 토벌의 전리품 : 대창귀 (정3품)
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A reward given to those who showed remarkable bravery in the fight against Calamity 10 Apex Changui.

- Press RMB to obtain all of the following:
Imperfect Lightstone of Fire
Sealed Black Magic Crystal x3
Memory Fragment x12
Sangpyeong Coin x13
Trace of Nature x13
Embers of Hongik x18
Black Stone x40

- Obtain the following according to a set probability:
Dahn's Gloves
Flame of Hongik
Bonghwang's Tear
Haetae's Tear
Girin's Tear
Deboreka Earring
Essence of Taebaek
Crystal of Harmony
Crystal of Darkness
Crystal of Bitterness
Crystal of Decimation
Resplendent Lightstone of Fire
You'll get a Boss Blitz Reward.
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