ID: 767679
Golden Pig King's Treasure Chest
KR name: 금돼지왕의 보물 상자
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A chest of rare treasures amassed by the Golden Pig King for his beloved wife. Though much time has passed, it continues to shine with brilliant light.

Press RMB to obtain one of the following according to a set probability (accessories can be TRI (III) or TET (IV)).
Revived Lunar Necklace
Tungrad Earring
Ring of Cadry Guardian
Eye of the Ruins Ring
Narc Ear Accessory
Centaurus Belt
Ring of Crescent Guardian
Valtarra Eclipsed Belt
Basilisk's Belt
Orkinrad's Belt
Forest Ronaros Ring
Sicil's Necklace
Serap's Necklace
Gold Bar 100G
Gold Bar 1,000G
You'll obtain one of the following according to a set probability (accessories can be TRI (III) or TET (IV)):
Revived Lunar Necklace
Tungrad Earring
Ring of Cadry Guardian
Eye of the Ruins Ring
Narc Ear Accessory
Centaurus Belt
Ring of Crescent Guardian
Valtarra Eclipsed Belt
Basilisk's Belt
Orkinrad's Belt
Forest Ronaros Ring
Sicil's Necklace
Serap's Necklace
Gold Bar 100G
Gold Bar 1,000G

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