ID: 752671
[Event] Unknown Ore
KR name: [이벤트] 알 수 없는 광석
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A common ore that can be found anywhere.
Rumors are spreading about a rare item hidden within a seemingly ordinary piece of ore, and a certain someone who's taken a keen interest in it.
Visit the Dalishain in each major city or in Velia.

- Usage #1:
Exchange 20 with Dalishain for one from the list below:
Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal - Gervish
Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal - Macalod
Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal - Hoom
Valtarra Spirit's Crystal
Awakened Spirit's Crystal
Black Spirit Crystal

- Usage #2
Press RMB to obtain all of the following:
Trace of Nature x3-7
Platinum Ore x5-10
Rough Stone x25-35

You can also obtain the following according to a set probability:
Lightstone of Fire: Strike
Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal Gervish
Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal Macalod
Ultimate Combined Magic Crystal Hoom
Valtarra Spirit's Crystal
Awakened Spirit's Crystal
Black Spirit Crystal

- How to Obtain: Mining or defeating monsters

※ Please refer to the Events page on the official website for more details.
Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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