ID: 750703
[Event] Lonesome Autumn Patrigio Box
KR name: [이벤트] 쓸쓸한 가을의 파트리지오 상자
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A box full of treasures that Patrigio gathered to ease the loneliness of Autumn. No one knows what's inside the box, only that it contains what many have termed "Patrigio's lonely treasures".

- Press RMB to obtain one of the following according to a set probability:
TET (IV) Tungrad Belt, TET (IV) Black Distortion Earring, TET (IV) Tungrad Necklace, TET (IV) Tungrad Ring, TET (IV) Tungrad Earring, TET (IV) Eye of the Ruins Ring, TET (IV) Valtarra Eclipsed Belt, Vell's Concentrated Magic, TRI (III) Tungrad Belt, TRI (III) Black Distortion Earring, TRI (III) Tungrad Necklace, TRI (III) Tungrad Ring, TRI (III) Tungrad Earring, TRI (III) Eye of the Ruins Ring, TRI (III) Valtarra Eclipsed Belt, Advice of Valks (+150), PRI (I) Tungrad Belt, PRI (I) Black Distortion Earring, PRI (I) Tungrad Necklace, PRI (I) Tungrad Ring, PRI (I) Tungrad Earring, PRI (I) Eye of the Ruins Ring, PRI (I) Valtarra Eclipsed Belt, Tungrad Belt, Black Distortion Earring, Tungrad Necklace, Tungrad Ring, Tungrad Earring, Eye of the Ruins Ring, Valtarra Eclipsed Belt, Advice of Valks (+40), Sharp Black Crystal Shard x15, Cron Stone x30
You'll get one of the following:
TET (IV) Tungrad Belt, TET (IV) Black Distortion Earring, TET (IV) Tungrad Necklace, TET (IV) Tungrad Ring, TET (IV) Tungrad Earring, TET (IV) Eye of the Ruins Ring, TET (IV) Valtarra Eclipsed Belt, Vell's Concentrated Magic, TRI (III) Tungrad Belt, TRI (III) Black Distortion Earring, TRI (III) Tungrad Necklace, TRI (III) Tungrad Ring, TRI (III) Tungrad Earring, TRI (III) Eye of the Ruins Ring, TRI (III) Valtarra Eclipsed Belt, Advice of Valks (+150), PRI (I) Tungrad Belt, PRI (I) Black Distortion Earring, PRI (I) Tungrad Necklace, PRI (I) Tungrad Ring, PRI (I) Tungrad Earring, PRI (I) Eye of the Ruins Ring, PRI (I) Valtarra Eclipsed Belt, Tungrad Belt, Black Distortion Earring, Tungrad Necklace, Tungrad Ring, Tungrad Earring, Eye of the Ruins Ring, Valtarra Eclipsed Belt, Advice of Valks (+40), Sharp Black Crystal Shard x15, Cron Stone x30
from the box.
Buy price: 80,000,000coin
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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