ID: 7309
KR name: 올리브
icon General
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.10 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
Possible substitution
Item group #6009
- Description:
This Cooking ingredient can be obtained primarily by Farming.
Usage: Stir-Fried Vegetables, Fried Vegetables, etc.
- How to Obtain: It can be obtained by Farming Olive Seeds in a Garden or by Gathering from Olive Trees using Bare Hands or a Hoe.

※ Consuming this item without Cooking will grant a special buff, but will cause pain.
An Olive produced through Farming. Olives usually grow in sunny climates. They have a unique flavor and are also filled with many nutrients. They can be used for Cooking and Alchemy. Used for Cooking: Stir-Fried Vegetables, Fried Vegetables, etc.
Usage effect:

- Olive

Buy price: 950coin
Sell price: 38
Repair price: -
Sort by: Rating Date
Anonymous 22-12-2015 06:34
There are a few olive trees in Velia just east of the workshop(NPC's: Claire Arryn & Garnil).
ThomasTLS17 26-08-2023 15:55
There are also a lot more around Olvia!happy.gif

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