ID: 721050
Refined Magical Black Stone
KR name: 제련된 마력의 블랙스톤
icon General
Weight: 0.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A Black Stone with new, magical powers, created by a mysterious merchant guild on a faraway misty island in the distant sea.

- Used to perform guaranteed enhancement on Tuvala gear from PRI (I) to TRI (III).
Stones required for +15 to PRI (I) gear: 10
Stones required for PRI (I) to DUO (II) gear: 15
Stones required for DUO (II) to TRI (III) gear: 20

- Able to enhance: Tuvala weapons, sub-weapons, awakening weapons, helmet, armor, gloves, shoes

- Press RMB to start enhancement

※ How to Obtain: Defeating monsters of Valencia, Kamasylvia, Drieghan, and O'dyllita in the following regions on the season server will net you a decent amount:
- Waragon Nest
- Cadry Ruins
- Protty Cave

- Durability will decrease by 20 when you enhance with this stone.
Buy price: 1,000,000coin
Sell price: 10,000
Repair price: -

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