ID: 6862
Mysterious Paprika Seed
KR name: 신비한 파프리카 씨앗
icon Installable Object
Weight: 0.01 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
The seed of a Special Paprika which can be grown by Farming to yield a bumper crop.
You can begin Farming after using a Fence to create a garden.
Note that this seed will take up 10 grids in a garden and yields 30-40 crops through Plant Breeding, but not seeds.
- How to Obtain:
Shake Mysterious Seed x1 and Special Seed x1 to get 1.
Shake Mysterious Seed x5 and Magical Seed x1 to get 5.
(Press RMB to locate the nearest Fence rental NPC)
- Mysterious Paprika Crop
Buy price: 2,775,400coin
Sell price: 111,016
Repair price: -

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