ID: 603001
Extra Skill EXP Scroll
KR name: 기술 경험치 추가 획득 주문서
icon Consumable
Weight: 0.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.00 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
Game shop item
- Description:
Extra Skill EXP Scroll

- Usage: Gain the following effects

- Effects:
Skill EXP +100%

- Duration: 60 min
- Cooldown: 60 min

- How to Obtain: Various content

Does not stack with Extra Skill EXP Scrolls (200% and 300%).
You'll get a Skill EXP +100% buff which will last for 1 hour. Continue?
Usage effect:
Skill EXP +100%

Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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