ID: 58017
Finto's Strong Fence
KR name: 핀토의 단단한 울타리
icon Installation
Weight: 35.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A fence made from carefully interlocking wood. It was designed by the Fintos for those who are ready for challenges. The fence cannot be mass produced because of the amount of wood its large size requires. A maximum of 10 crops can be grown in a garden using Finto's Strong Fence.
Use it on a field to install it.

You can accept a quest from which you can obtain a better fence from Klau in Velia if you are at least Farming Master 1.

※ You can install up to 10 fences regardless of their type.
Finto's Strong Fence
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