ID: 4684
Plywood Hardener
KR name: 목재 강화제
icon - Crafting Materials
Weight: 0.50 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.10 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A material used to strengthen Plywood through Processing.

- How to Obtain
> Craft via an Alchemy Tool in your residence if at least Alchemy Apprentice 1.
Alchemy Ingredients: Pure Powder Reagent x1 + Fir Sap x4 + Bloody Tree Knot x3 + Trace of Nature x3

A Plywood Hardener made from an alchemical process, it makes plywood more solid and durable. Heating the plywood after generously applying the hardener will make it even more solid.
- Plywood Hardener

In-game market price:
NA: 322,000In Stock: 6,002
EU: 183,000In Stock: 3,258
NA Console: 700,000In Stock: 2,985
EU Console: 489,000In Stock: 5,123

Buy price: 84,000coin
Sell price: 3,360
Repair price: -
Sort by: Rating Date
Anonymous 31-01-2016 08:48
On KR server with TOME English patch, this is called a "Wood enhancers" and sells for 30,000 on the market place.
Anonymous 12-05-2016 03:46
Skilled 9 Alchemy.
1 Reagent/4 Sap/2 Knots/2 Traces = 1 success, 4 fails. (not worth it)
1 Reagent/4 Sap/3 Knots/2 Traces = 5 success, 2 fails. (worth it)
Anonymous 3-06-2016 23:28
Anonymous 12-06-2017 03:54
Really low sample size for that conclusion
Anonymous 29-01-2017 18:12
Skilled 10.

Fir Sap x4, Pure Powder Reagent x1, Bloody Tree Knot x3, Trace of the Earth x3 = no fails
Chartos 11-05-2020 00:10
Master 14

Tested 100 crafts:
1 Reagent/4 Sap/3 Knots/2 Traces = 93 success, 7 fails
1 Reagent/4 Sap/3 Knots/1 Trace = 73 success, 27 fails

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