ID: 45110
Glorious Box of Spoils (Tier 3)
KR name: 영예로운 3단계 전리품 상자
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
A chest loaded with the spoils of countless battles.

- Press RMB to obtain one of the following:
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment
Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment
JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Max HP
BON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Max HP
WON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Max HP
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas
Energy of All Creations
Gold Bar Box
Caphras Stone Bundle II (10-30)
Caphras Stone Bundle I (10-20)
[Event] Immortal: Perfume of Courage
[Event] Immortal: Khalk's Elixir
[Event] Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea
[Event] Immortal: Giant's Draught
Black Essence: Harphia
Black Essence: Cobelinus
Black Essence: Viper
Black Essence: Hystria
Black Essence: Carmae
Black Essence: Addis
Essence of Honor
Fragment of Honor
Essence of Gallantry
Vitality Tonic x3
Marni's Unstable Fuel x3
[Event] Perfume of Courage x3
[Event] Khalk's Elixir x3
[Event] Elixir of Deep Sea x3
Ancient Spirit Dust x25
You'll get one of the following:
Splendid Spirit Stone of Destruction Fragment
Splendid Spirit Stone of Protection Fragment
JIN Glorious Crystal of Honor - Max HP
BON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Max HP
WON Glorious Crystal of Honor - Max HP
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Ah'krad
Glorious Crystal of Gallantry - Olucas
Energy of All Creations
Gold Bar Box
Caphras Stone Bundle II (10-30)
Caphras Stone Bundle I (10-20)
[Event] Immortal: Perfume of Courage
[Event] Immortal: Khalk's Elixir
[Event] Immortal: Elixir of Deep Sea
[Event] Immortal: Giant's Draught
Black Essence: Harphia
Black Essence: Cobelinus
Black Essence: Viper
Black Essence: Hystria
Black Essence: Carmae
Black Essence: Addis
Essence of Honor
Fragment of Honor
Essence of Gallantry
Vitality Tonic x3
Marni's Unstable Fuel x3
[Event] Perfume of Courage x3
[Event] Khalk's Elixir x3
[Event] Elixir of Deep Sea x3
Ancient Spirit Dust x25
Buy price: 20,000,000coin
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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