ID: 41595
Pila Fe Scroll
KR name: 필라 페 주술서
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.02 LT
Lifespan: 7d
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Can be placed in the Family Inventory
- Description:
Enchanted scroll written in ancient language.
※ Use it at the designated spawn location to summon heinous monsters and bosses.
※ Using several summon scrolls with a party through the Faded Ancient Relic will summon stronger foes who will drop more loot.
※ You cannot attack the summoned monster on servers with Node/Conquest Wars in progress.
※ You will automatically accept the [Co-op] Valencia Monsters Extermination quest when you use this summon scroll.

※ There's no penalty for death while fighting the boss, but a party is strongly recommended because of the difficulty level.
※ Only the party leader can use the Pila Fe Scroll.
※ If you fail to defeat the boss in 30 min, it will disappear. The boss will also vanish if not engaged in combat for a span of 2 min at any point after being summoned.

※ Available from Lv. 55.

※ Obtainable Items
Memory Fragment
Hunter's Seal
HP Potion (Large)
MP Potion (Large)
※ Warning
- This item will summon an extremely powerful enemy.
Teaming up with other Adventurers is recommended.
※ You cannot attack the summoned monster on servers with Node/Conquest Wars in progress.
- If monsters are not summoned after using items, check in the Quests window ({KeyBind:QuestHistory}) and see if the quest [Co-op] Valencia Monsters Extermination Quest is on process.
- If you are doing the quest but the relevant monster is not summoned, you can still complete your quest by joining the party of another adventurer who is doing the same quest.
Usage effect:
Val_Defense Summons (Crystal of Dimension)

Summons NPC:
- Magram
- Khalk
Position on the map: Location
Not accepted quest [Co-op] Valencia Monsters Extermination
Level: 55
Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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Added by Ldark (30-11-2022)
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