ID: 24853
Duvencrune Small Thuja Bookshelf
KR name: 드벤크룬 측백 소형 책장
icon Installable Object
Weight: 10.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

Bound when obtained
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
This bookshelf is made from unprocessed Thuja wood, and it is designed for storing books and so on. It is not suitable if you own a large amount of books because of its small size.
- Duvencrune Small Thuja Bookshelf

Buy price: 30,000coin
Sell price: 3,000
Repair price: -

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ID   Title Type Skill level EXP Materials Total weight of materials Products MATERIALS EFFECTS RECIPE_TYPE FAV
ID   Title Type Skill level EXP Materials Total weight of materials Products MATERIALS EFFECTS RECIPE_TYPE FAV
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