ID: 16073
Jackpot Box
KR name: PC방 대박 상자
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.10 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.30 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
- Description:
Press RMB to obtain one of the following according to a set probability:
Pearl Box - 2,000, Kzarka's Sealed Weapon Box, Giath's Helmet, Red Nose's Armor, Bheg's Gloves, Muskan's Shoes, Ogre Ring, Necklace of Good Deeds, Tree Spirit Belt, Blue Whale Molar Earring, Ancient Weapon Core, Witch's Earring, Mark of Shadow, Bensho's Necklace, Mesto Earring, Awakened Spirit's Crystal, Black Magic Crystal - Harphia , Black Magic Crystal - Cobelinus, Black Magic Crystal - Viper, Black Magic Crystal - Hystria, Black Magic Crystal - Carmae, Concentrated Magical Black Stone, Sharp Black Crystal Shard, Black Stone, Elixir of Detection, Elixir of Perforation, Elixir of Death, Elixir of Assassination, Grim Reaper's Elixir, Elixir of Endless Fury, Elixir of Steel Defense, Elixir of Remarkable Will, Balenos Meal, Serendia Meal, Calpheon Meal, Mediah Meal, High-quality Carrot, Good Feed, Special Carrot, Organic Feed
Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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