ID: 149024
Contract: [Head Transaction Butler] Sebastian
KR name: 계약서 : [수석 거래관리인] 집사 세바스찬
icon Special Items
Weight: 0.00 LT
Warehouse Capacity: 0.00 VT

- Bound when obtained (Family)
- Personal transaction unavailable
Game shop item
- Description:
An employment contract for a butler.

You can summon him from anywhere by using Group Command.
- Volume Limit: 100VT
- Cooldown: 20 min
- Group Command available at all times

※ Group Command
- You can use Group Command to move all the items in your Inventory at once.
- You can move items that you can stack in one slot of your Inventory with your Head Storage Maid/Butler.
- Each Storage Maid/Butler will move items weighing 100VT or lower.
- ex) To move 6 items that weigh 40LT each (total of 240LT), 3 of your Storage Maids/Butlers will move 80LT each.
- You can use Group Command to move up to 20 items that do not stack in a slot of your Inventory at once.

- Only one Head Storage Maid/Butler per Family
- You can still only move one Pen (V) item at a time.
Buy price: -
Sell price: -
Repair price: -

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