All AP +X
All Accuracy +X
All Damage Reduction +X
All Life Skill Mastery +X
All Life Skill Mastery Up
All Resistance +X%
Attack Speed +X
Back Attack Extra Damage +X%
Casting Speed +X
Critical Hit Damage +X%
Damage from Monsters -5%
Down Attack Extra Damage +X%
Extra AP Against Monsters +X
Extra Damage to All Species Except Humans and Demihumans +X
Extra Damage to Demihumans +X
Extra Damage to Humans +X
Extra Damage to Kamasylvians +X
Grapple Resistance +X%
Ignore All Resistances +X%
Knockback/Floating Resistance +X%
Knockdown/Bound Resistance +X%
Life EXP +X%
Max HP +X
Max Stamina +X
Movement Speed +X
Recover X HP
Recover X MP/WP/SP
Stun/Stiffness/Freezing Resistance +X%
Weight Limit +XLT
- Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
- Deboreka Accessory 5-Set Effect
- Set Effect (per 2 Manos accessories equipped): Life EXP +X%
- Set Effect: For every 2 Geranoa Accessories equipped Life EXP +X%
- Set Effect: For every 2 Loggia Accessories equipped Life EXP +X%
- Tungrad Accessory 3-Set Effect
- Tungrad Accessory 5-Set Effect
Deboreka Accessory 3-Set Effect
Self-obtainable Black Spirit's Rage +X%
Weight Limit Up
[Blessing of Asadal] can be used.
[Blessing of Taebaek] can be used.
[Fury of Asadal] can be used.
※ The equipment cannot be removed during the cooldown of its unique skill.
ID   Title Click the column headers to sort. Use Shift+click to sort by multiple columns. Level Attack (AP) Defense (DP) Accuracy Evasion Damage Reduction CLASS GRADE STATS EFFECTS
ID   Title Level Attack (AP) Defense (DP) Accuracy Evasion Damage Reduction CLASS GRADE STATS EFFECTS
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