ID: 598
icon Conocimientos
Categoría: Pueblo de Altinova

- Descripción:
Todo el mundo sabe que le pirran los artículos de lujo. Es de los que piensan que, si algo es barato, no merece la pena. Como es de imaginar, suele mirar con desprecio a los demás. Sin embargo, dicen que sí que hay una persona a la que respeta: Woodrey, que siempre sabe qué es lo correcto y que rechaza por completo los lujos.
Intendencia imperial de Mediah
Obtenido de:
- Elswin
Obtenido de:
- Elswin
Ordenar por: Clasificación Fecha
Anonymous 22-04-2016 04:12
NPC won't be out till imperial trade is released.
ARIMOSH 1-01-2025 19:43
Elswin NPC

Economy II / Economy ll / Economy 2

- Golden Desert (Can be obtained through [Amity]Elswin)

AMITY GAME (non-optimized)
(no amity items used aka Calpheon Noble Suit/Dress, Matching Horoscope, pickled fish 5% or Amity Pots 20%/30wacko.gif

6) Leader of Altinova
5) Sezec from the Rumbling Land
4) Mediah Merchants Union
3) Conversation of Knowledge
2) Shen Merchant Guild
1) Scattered Faith, Shroud

{Click in number order for this one the horoscopes normal rotation is reversed so click 1 then 2->6}

3 successes = ~251-290 Amity
Convo's it took me: 2

Best Requirement: Talk Freely
NPC Horoscope: Goblin
Interest Level: 31
Favor: 31

Fail Stack (is organized correctly from top to bottom for clicking in order first procs first and sixth procs last)

- Exile of Bareeds III
- Sezec from the Rumbling Land
- Conversation of Knowledge
- Corrupt Practices
- Valencian Mission
- Valencia and Mediah

For the fail stack only select, in order (top to bottom), up to how many consecutive fails you need the rest should be from the top of the success list down or the highest possible score.

I.E. Fail to spark interest 3 times: pick the first 3 names from the fail stack then the first 3 from the success stack. make out with more AMITY that way. If it's asking for 4/5 or close to max fails just use full fail stack to be safe.

OP vianori
Если махать под бафом
1) Зелья крепкой дружбы +30%,
2) Соленой рыбой +5% и
3) костюмом (не шута) +10%,
то вы получите +4 дружбы за 3 энергии

If Waving, do so while buffed
1) Improved Elixer of Amity +30%,
2) Pickled Fish +5% and
3) Calpheon Noble Suit/Dress +15%,
and you will get +4 Amity per 3 energy
{Translator's Opinion ^this is the best method for waving (F5)^}

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