ID: 50564/1
Ain Greid
Nivel: 99

Salud (PS): 10,000
Maná: 1
Horóscopo: Llave
sympathy Nivel de interés: 32 ~ 34
sympathy Aprobación: 26 ~ 30
Responsable del nodo Fisura ancestral

Historia II (0/4)
Historia II (0/4)
Historia II (0/4)
- Descripción:
El jefe enano Ain Gread es un miembro de Vigilia Eterna y dirige la expedición enana de Bautt. Considerado un hombre de gran sabiduría, Ain Greid ha investigado incestantemente las piedras oscuras y sus secretos, decidido a obtener el conocimiento de sus ancestros.

Los enanos llevan estudiando las escrituras de los Antiguos durante generaciones e incluso han llegado a inscribir símbolos en la Tablilla de Bautt que solo ellos conocen, con el objetivo de protegerse a sí mismos.
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Anonymous 21-05-2016 23:56
Map is completely incorrect on this one.

Anonymous 8-11-2017 02:08
Even under the best conditions with this NPC, it's still a shot in the dark. The best possible combination is in this order. Using a higher % chance than Kzarka and Bareeds will result in too little amity gain, and I found this to be the best middle ground for success and amity gain. (This will be better than waving either way)

#1 Black Energy and the Ancient Civilization
#2 Kzarka and Bareeds
#3 Scuffling Letusa
#4 Book of Cartian
Anonymous 14-12-2017 04:24
Used Legend of Edana as #4 because I didn't have Book of Cartain and it worked well.
LPcrazy88 20-09-2019 11:54
This is the NPC you talk to with your Upgraded Compass Parts (all 3 look the same) to turn it into a Lafi Bedmountain's Upgraded Compass Parts which all have unique icons.


Credit goes to:
Wuwu 7-02-2021 11:49
[где] с НИП, падает ПРЕДМЕТ, у Айн Грейд обмен на ПРЕДМЕТ + знание(!), получаем по шаблону
[Руины Гистрии] с Бодука, падает Деталь хорошего компаса, обмен на Деталь мощного компаса
[Храм Анакреона" class="comment_link" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> с Древний страж Анакреона, падает Деталь хорошего компаса, обмен на Деталь мощного компаса
[Руины Гистрии" class="comment_link" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer noopener"> с Тукар Вальтен и Эльтен, падает Деталь хорошего компаса, обмен на [url=">Деталь мощного компаса
*у кого был собран компас, до ввода соответствующих знаний, для их получения поговорить с Айн Грейд
cheekiyaya 8-01-2024 01:20
Typical BDO, when I want it to fail, with a 3% chance, I succeeded. FML.

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