ID: 54017
Pienso bueno
Nombre coreano: 좋은 사료
icon Especial
Peso: 0.10 LT
Capacidad: 0.30 VT

Objeto(s) ligado(s) al obtenerse
- Transacción privada no disponible
- Puede colocarse en el Inventario (familia)
- Descripción:
Objeto que ayuda a saciar el hambre de una mascota.

- Cómo usar: RMB.

- Efecto:
Saciedad +80

- Duración: instantáneo
- Tiempo de reutilización: instantáneo

- Cómo obtener:
Puedes elaborar este objeto usando los Utensilios de cocina si tu nivel de Cocina es Aprendiz 1 o superior.
Ingredientes: [Carne troceada] x6, [Harina de cereal] x4, [Pescado] x1, [Agua mineral] x3

Las mascotas son unos amigos y compañeros de primera, pero no hay quien los controle cuando tienen hambre. Aliméntala para saciarle el hambre. Un pienso bien equilibrado se compone de cereales, proteínas y agua.
- Pienso bueno

Precio de mercado del juego:
NA: 27,300En Stock: 0
EU: 27,300En Stock: 33,753
NA Console: 27,300En Stock: 0
EU Console: 27,300En Stock: 3,521

Precio de compra: 10,000coin
Precio de venta: 700
Coste de reparación: -
Ordenar por: Clasificación Fecha
Anonymous 2-05-2016 21:32
You can also used 2x dried fish instead of 1 fresh fish to make this feed (+6 meat, 3 water and 4 flour)
Anonymous 30-06-2016 00:22
You can also just use 1x dried fish as long as it's a green or better quality.
Anonymous 4-07-2017 11:17
Restores 20% to pet's stamina, capping at 400 stamina. 5 is required to fill a pet up to full. Can make 1-4 on professional level cooking.
Anonymous 23-08-2017 09:21
Currently cooking with only 1 white dried fish at Artisan 3 with high success rate xxchg5X.png
Camelaxe 18-06-2020 16:55
It's normal, you can use one dired fish instead of one fish. wink.gif
Anonymous 14-10-2017 18:26
At M3 I get up to 5 per combine.
capt.luke 21-04-2021 23:09
this is due to you MASTERY and not your cooking lvl
Schwartz 5-11-2021 17:43
Ah yes, mastery back in 2017, guess we have been playing different games
DarkArtsSociety 18-04-2021 10:41
1 dried frish + 1 meat + 4 flour + 3 mineral water (after guru percent to succes is 57% )
1 dried frish + 2 meat + 4 flour + 3 mineral water ( after guru percent to succes is 91% )
capt.luke 21-04-2021 23:02
cook guru 43 here tried with 1 2 3 4 5 meat all failed on first try 100%

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