ID: 43935
Guijarro iridiscente
Nombre coreano: 오색빛 조약돌
icon General
Peso: 0.00 LT
Capacidad: 0.30 VT

- Ligado al obtenerse (familia)
- Transacción privada no disponible
- Descripción:
Un misterioso guijarro cuyo color cambia dependiendo de cómo impacte en él la luz que solo se puede encontrar en las playas de Papúa Lutrinea. Puede usarse para fabricar arreos para asnos.

- Información de intercambio: Llévale [Espina arcoíris] x100 a Jabuo en la Lonja de Ardal o [Pétalo arcoíris] x100 a la alcaldesa Bunite en la aldea Panipani.
Precio de compra: -
Precio de venta: -
Coste de reparación: -
Ordenar por: Clasificación Fecha
Tsoth 24-10-2024 05:52
I cannot exchange either rainbow coins with Benitu(petal) or Jabuo (fish) to get the iridescent pebble, even if i have over a 100 of each. The option just does not appear with either characters, no exchange menu or no chat option. Nothing. The coins description still does say i can very much exchange with those characters but the option isn't there at all. I am at a loss This doesn't seem normal.
katusia 24-10-2024 14:57
Have you tried transform into papu or otter and then talking? When doing quests you need to be transformed in order to see quests above their heads. Maybe it's similar to that.
TVorace 25-10-2024 01:55
Yes, exchange is offered only when turned into papu or otter.
Tsoth 27-10-2024 22:03
Thank you both for your replies. Thankfully i had also left the same comment on a youtube video and i was informed of this. Not exactly obvious.
TVorace 28-10-2024 00:21

This daily quest helps a lot to get those fast ("RRRR" type quest ^^)

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