ID: 6435
icon Wissen
Kategorie: Das goldene Zeitalter der Papu

– Beschreibung:
Diese himmelfarbene Riesenlanguste hat schreckliche Krallen und ist bei den Papu als Kokakong bekannt. Nur die Papu-Kaiserin reitet darauf. Menschliche Seefahrer, die durch die Meere von Papua Crinea fuhren, bezeichneten die Kokakong als legendären Fang. Derzeit gibt es jedoch keine Aufzeichnungen darüber, dass ein Mensch die Kokakong tatsächlich gefangen hat.

Obwohl die Papu-Kaiserin auf dem Rücken der Kokakong reitet, ist es in Wahrheit die Kokakong, die eine Papu auswählt, die den kaiserlichen Thron erklimmen und über alle Papu regieren wird. Woher kommt die Kokakong? Und wie konnte es zu einer Beziehung zu den Papu-Kaiserinnen kommen? Wie wählt es die nächste Kaiserin aus? Und werden die Wahlen von allen Papu akzeptiert? Könnten wir Antworten auf diese Fragen erhalten, wenn wir die Gunst von Kaiserin Papuraora gewinnen?
Kann erhalten werden durch [Freundschaft]
Was steckt hinter der Geschichte der Languste, auf der die Kaiserin der Papu Papuraora reitet? Gewinnt Papuraoras Vertrauen, um mehr darüber herauszufinden.
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Khonen 11-10-2020 10:58
You can't wave at this NPC anymore (in NA at least). It was patched out a few weeks after release.

The amity game is near impossible, so prepare a lot of time and energy to spam +1 amity gains. Alternatively, there's a couple daylies on the island you could spam over time.
azoz9999 15-06-2021 08:28
guys one important note if you want to get the knowledge from the otters and the papus
one way of getting it is to do daily knowledge but be careful if you do dailies at the otters village every daily quest give you +10 amity with the person from whom you want to get the knowledge on the other hand you will get -10 amity! with the guy from the papu's village

TLsmile.gifR : if u want to get both knowledges focus on 1 guy first then go the other person to save your time
Shenkt 28-03-2022 09:19
Energy cost is 50 for the knowledge
kormann 6-09-2022 08:44
Infelizmente é um daqueles NPCs que o minigame se resume a:
- Falar Livremente
- "x" Fracassos seguidos
Com ganho de amizade de 1~3 no máximo
Se aparecer o mini game pedindo interesse máximo ou acumulado, pode dar ESC e recomeçar e não tente sequencialmente é perda de energia.
Então se prepare para gastar umas horas com esse npc e varios potes de energia.
MRX 9-06-2024 13:37
Gaining amity with minigame LITERALLY impossible, +1 amity per minigame IF YOU're lucky. P.A. just kys
MO96 5-11-2024 13:20
After reaching 199 amity; make sure to transform into a Papu so you can interact with Papuraora to get Kokakong knowledge, otherwise you can't interact with it
hungrymiriam 23-10-2024 05:23
If you're not collecting Krogdalo materials, skip my comment.
But if you do, you have to finish Lamute's Gang Adventure logs, then you can:

Just leave an alt char to do dailies from Papu's side. Each daily gives 5 amity to her, and I got it done within a week without any rushing (7-9 minutes/day).

Also keep in mind that if you do Papu's dailies, it decreases 5 amity of the Otter boss (opposite side) too. But, for me this is not a problem because I finished both of them anyway, as I do dailies to get my Donkey Krogdalo gears and I have to stay here for months.

I think this knowledge is very bottlenecked. I'd rather save my time to focus on other knowledges, and put this one as an byproduct during Krogdalo process instead, so you don't waste your time and energy solely focusing on this horrible amity minigame.
Bidinha 25-06-2020 11:07
Precisa de 199 de amizade com a Imperatriz dos Papus.

Se for ganhar no Tchauzinho , precisa sair do modo de disfarce dos Papus.


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