ID: 3056
Zentrale Neutrale Zone
icon Wissen
Kategorie: Berge um Serendia

– Beschreibung:
Die steilen Klippen dieser Gegend bieten eine spektakuläre Aussicht, aber die Wachtürme und Festungen der Orks erschweren den Zugang.
Kann erhalten werden durch [Dialog]
Vielleicht weiß Xaviero Vitello beim Südwesttor mehr über die Zentrale Neutrale Zone.
Erhalten von:
- Zentrale Neutrale Zone
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Anonymous 28-08-2017 13:31
I still can't get this piece of knowledge from Xavierro nor are the quests that are suppossedly needed for it available to me. Anyone knows a solution?
Anonymous 29-08-2017 05:29
Did you check with Annolisa Rosie's shop? One of the knowledges she holds unlocks this. The name of the knowledge may be different, but just purchase any one that you don't have yet (which appears in purple. gray is what you already own. don't worry it isn't the 500 amity ones that cost a ton.)
Anonymous 31-08-2017 17:14
Already had all the knowledge there so the only thing left to do is send a ticket I guess.
Anonymous 21-10-2017 00:11
Xaviero Vitello give this knowledge for 10 energy points.

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