ID: 44152
Stufe: 99

LP: 10,000
MP: 1
Verteidigung (VK): 2
Ausweichen: 1
Schadensreduktion: 1
Sternzeichen: Boot
sympathy Interessenstufe: 16 ~ 66
sympathy Gunst: 17 ~ 52

Getrocknete Meeresfrüchte I (0/4)
Geheimgesellschaften (0/4)
Meeresfischart (0/4)
– Beschreibung:
Gintabam ist ein Mann der Waffen. Mehrmals täglich poliert er seinen Bogen und seine Pfeile.

Seine Augen sehen für gewöhnlich kalt und teilnahmslos aus, aber sie leuchten auf, wann immer er einem Kämpfer aus einem fremden Land begegnet. Er hegt großes Interesse für die Waffen und Kampfkünste anderer Länder.
Gibt Wissen beim Entdecken:
- Gintabam
Sortiert nach: Wertung Datum
Anonymous 2-12-2017 07:26
This guy is a pain since his interest and favour numbers vary so much. When I did amity with him I only had a few of the knowledge entries so I made do with this combination:

- Dried Sweetfish
- Dried Mudskipper
- Dried Mackerel
- Dried Porgy

Generally, the rule for me was re-roll if he gave interest or favour greater than 40.

All in all, it took me about 80 energy to get >400 amity with him with this combination and rolled with Moran for the other knowledge that he gives.
HorribleNerd 19-03-2019 02:03
1. Dried Beltfish
2. Dried Scorpion Fish
3. Dried Mackerel
4. Dried Lenok
roamcajun63 29-03-2022 05:35
Here are 8 species out of 36 (list) but there is no knowledge list anywhere. How bout we all contribute what we know for Dried Seafood I and make a complete list to post???? It is knowledge and we would gain energy from it (once you complete the list). I got a total of 37 just by looking here, but nothing to link to. There are 6 pages of Dried Seafood knowledge to know. Guess I will have to research all the Dried Seafood.

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