ID: 41113
Derek Nimms
Stufe: 99
LP: 10,000
MP: 1
Verteidigung (VK): 2
Ausweichen: 1
Schadensreduktion: 1

– Beschreibung:
Derek Nimms, ehemals berühmter Söldner, lebt jetzt zurückgezogen im Wirtshaus von Heidel. Er hasst es, über seine Vergangenheit zu reden, und dank seiner unsozialen Art hat er auch so gut wie keine Freunde.
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Anonymous 19-06-2017 19:41
He is part of the warrior awakening quest chain. Don't know if other classes can even see his question mark, but it drove me crazy for the longest time! Be patient, you will get to talk to him. happy.gif
Anonymous 18-09-2017 22:40
Thanks! I was wondering how I was unable to talk to him lol.
Anonymous 19-09-2017 02:21
i have a warrior, i have awakened him, i have met the guy, but the knowlege you get from him right next to the heidel inn is still there. how do u get that one?
Anonymous 11-12-2017 19:32
How can i give the Derek's ring to Ahon Kirus?
Anonymous 14-12-2017 21:43
talk to Derek Nimms one more time and he'll give you the key to give Ahon Kirus. It's easy to accept the next quest and move on, but there is more dialogue from him.

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Hinzugefügt von Laraviolet (7-02-2017)