ID: 21270
Stufe: 58

LP: 642,156
MP: 1
Verteidigung (VK): 648
Ausweichen: 463
Schadensreduktion: 185
XP: 5,054,526
Skill XP: 182,943
Karma: 28
Chance Wissen zu erhalten: 2.50%

– Beschreibung:
– Beschreibung:
Er war einst ein angehender Offizier der valencianischen Armee. Er verlor seinen Verstand, als er gegen die schwarze Magie in den Cadryruinen kämpfte. Seine Hingabe und sein starker Wille Valencia zu schützen, wurde von einem Verlangen ersetzte, Kzarka neues Leben zu schenken. Nichts konnte ihn aufhalten.

Cadrys Anhänger erkannten seine Kraft und machten ihn zu ihrem Hauptmann.
- Cadry-Hauptmann
Sortiert nach: Wertung Datum
Spielkind 28-01-2017 10:14
230Deff Level 57, he was very strong for me, but the trick is to stay behind him, in the front is he very danger, he have very power full Skills.
Eriobea 10-02-2023 21:57
If you're looking for this mobs you need to kill cadry's mobs in order for it to spawn.It can spawn anywhere inside the cadry area (so the maps here is not relevant anymore,since the 28 september 2022). It didnt spawn naturally since 28 september 2022 patchnote ( (view screenshot for the sum up of this info).
The spawn rate is random and around 10min (sometime it even take 20+min or less than a min), notified by a red message located a bit higher than the default stamina bar.

Me and a friend hunted it for S grade (with ~150% more knowledge and ~35% higher grade) it took him approximatly 10 kill to get the S grade (personnaly already got S a year before so can't say for me)

If you have a friend that is OK to help you he can spawn the boss on another of your guild channel and you switch channel to kill it in order to maybe get the knowledge.

Beware that, as of 2023, cadry is a really popular location for people to farm and you may encounter a lot of agressiv PvP especially during evening. The morning is OK to farm it, the night aswell probably.

NB:Prior to this patch note those monstrers spawned naturally (as the map is showing) which was a bit easier in order to get knowledge.
DanteSLS 7-07-2023 15:28
Теперь Командир забытых руин и Песчаный колдун с определенной вероятностью появляются
во время боев с монстрами в Забытых руинах и Ущелье разбойников.
Игроку придется побороться с другими монстрами,
которых призывают Командир забытых руин и Песчаный колдун.

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Hinzugefügt von Spielkind (28-01-2017)
Hinzugefügt von Spielkind (28-01-2017)
Hinzugefügt von Eriobea (10-02-2023)