ID: 44461
KR Name: 투로족의 심장
icon – Herstellungsmaterialien
Last: 0.10 LT
Volumen: 0.10 VT

Beim Erhalten gebunden
– Privathandel nicht verfügbar
– Beschreibung:
Wenn ein Turo in Wut stirbt, schlägt sein Herz bekanntlich noch lange nach dem Tod weiter. Glaubt man den Worten eines verdorbenen Alchemisten, kann man die Kraft der Unsterblichkeit mit der Kraft eines ewig schlagenden Herzens erlangen.

– Verwendungszweck: Verdorbenes Öl der Unsterblichkeit herstellen

– Beschaffung: Kann am Alchemietisch im Wohnsitz hergestellt werden, wenn Ihr mindestens Kenner 6 bei der Alchemie erreicht habt.

– Material:
1 x Turoherz
1 x Überbleibsel verbrannter Geister
20 x Öl der Regeneration
20 x Öl der Tapferkeit
20 x Öl der Verderbtheit

Marktpreis im Spiel:
NA: 1,620,000Auf Lager: 111,188
EU: 1,620,000Auf Lager: 200,601
NA Console: 1,620,000Auf Lager: 15,781
EU Console: 1,620,000Auf Lager: 15,535

Kaufpreis: 200,000coin
Verkaufspreis: 25,000
Reparaturkosten: -
Sortiert nach: Wertung Datum
avatar 26-11-2020 05:42
Get ready to hate your life.

Not sure if there is a specific mob that drops the hearts, but after about 5 or 6 hours of grinding our here with a partner and the node at 10 AND a yellow loot scroll...... I have a grand total of 5....... I have 11 Embers of Despair to make the Dead God armor.... think about that, at this rate I will have 100 Yellow grade rare items before 50 blue grade rare items..... I think someone needs to take a look at the drop rate on these since you need 50 for crafting Garmoths heart.banghead.gif shok.gif

It should also be noted that these mobs are in three pulls, and all but 1 have range attacks that can take you to 2/3 or half life in the blink of an eye if you are not light on your feet and paying attention to literally every mob you are in combat with. I have 316 DP and with full buffs these mobs still force you to seriously rethink every starting crafting the heart.wacko.gif
Talenvard 11-07-2021 11:59
It's all RNG. I've gotten several Turo Hearts in an hour, around 4-6.

316DP is your problem with the health. You should really be at 330DP+.

Also, you might want to rethink your username, unless you want people emailing you.

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