ID: 3707/23
[Daily] Old Moon Guild's Young Sea Monster Hunter
영어 이름: [Daily] Old Moon Guild's Young Sea Monster Hunter
icon 의뢰
지역명: 전체
범주: Recurring Quests
유형: 가족 퀘스트
레벨: 1
반복: 1d

체인의 첫 번째 퀘스트:
icon - [일일] 이 섬의 주인은 우리야
체인에서의 이전 퀘스트:
icon - [Weekly] Monster Increase Report

스타트 NPC:
icon - 라비켈
끝 NPC:
icon - 라비켈

- 설명 :
Ravikel said the Old Moon Guild is looking for mercenaries. While talking about various missions, one was to defeat young sea monsters. Clear out some young sea monsters residing near Oquilla's Eye.

※ This is a daily quest which will reset at midnight (server time).
※ If you accept this quest, you cannot accept the "[Daily] Old Moon Guild's Hunter" quest.
※ Young Sea Monsters can be found in the south, northwest and northeast of Oquilla's Eye
.※ Navigation cannot be used in the Great Ocean and your location will not be marked on the World Map.
※ Ships equipped with cannons are required to defeat monsters in the Great Ocean.

The escort soldier for Sherah Riki has been singing your praises.
The Old Moon Guild happens to be looking for a mercenary.
Firstly... could you drive out the Young Nineshark group
that is threatening the maritime base?
Or, as we've been manufacturing powerful elixirs using
the scales of Young Candidum, would you be able to procure the necessary materials?
We also make a special delicacy using the
flesh of Young Black Rust, how about obtaining some of it?
Any task you undertake will be of great help.
And, of course, you'll be rewarded handsomely.
Regardless of the type of young sea monster, just get rid of them
and then come back, that should suffice.

Regardless of the type of young sea monster, just get rid of them
and then come back, that should suffice.

Thank you for completing our guild's request for mercenaries.
Will you be able to help us again in the near future?

완료 대상 : Ravikel
- Defeat some young sea monsters south of Oquilla's Eye
필요한 조치:
  1. 괴물을 죽이십시오. (5):
    icon - 어린 표류추적자
    icon - 어린 헤카루
    icon - 어린 나인샤크
    icon - 어린 검은무쇠이빨
    icon - 어린 검은무쇠이빨
    icon - 어린 칸디둠
    icon - 어린 칸디둠
    icon - 어린 표류추적자
    icon - 어린 헤카루
    icon - 어린 나인샤크

기본 보상
- 기여 경험치 (900)
- 항해 스킬 경험치
- 달의 비늘이 새겨진 합판
- 달의 핏줄이 새겨진 아마포
- 심해의 눈물
- Oquilla Coin

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