ID: 7220/6
Ceremony of Death
KR name: 죽음의 수여식
icon Quest
Region: Drieghan
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Light of the Spirit
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Silent Footsteps
Next quest in the chain:
icon - What She Wants

Start NPC:
icon - Artifact Pot
End NPC:
icon - Artifact Pot

- Description:
As soon as the room warmed up, children appeared. Listen to what the children have to say, and then find the doll's eyes and burn it inside the pot.

※ All the quests in this series can only be accepted at night.

Children appeared.
It appears that you might be able to get the doll's eyes from one of the children.
Talk to the children.
Who first?

You need to get the doll's eyes.
Who should you talk to first?

You burned the eyes.
Inside the pot, you see an unburned doll and a note.

Completion Target: Pot
- Find the object which allows you to obtain the doll's eyes
- Find the object which allows you to obtain the doll's eyes
- Find the object which allows you to obtain the doll's eyes
- Find the object which allows you to obtain the doll's eyes
- Find the object which allows you to obtain the doll's eyes
Required actions:
  1. Get knowledge:
    icon - Lorca's Exchange Game I
  2. Get knowledge:
    icon - Lorca's Exchange Game II
  3. Get knowledge:
    icon - Lorca's Exchange Game III
  4. Get knowledge:
    icon - Lorca's Exchange Game IV
  5. Get knowledge:
    icon - Lorca's Exchange Game V

- Contribution EXP (200)
- Black Energy Residue
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Silent Footsteps
Game time: 22 - 7h
Required to open quests
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WaifuJanna 19-11-2018 01:14
graceld 28-08-2022 03:52
copiando a print do cara de cima pra caso a dele saia do ar

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