ID: 7220/10
Noble Sacrifice
KR name: 숭고한 희생
icon Quest
Region: Drieghan
Category: General Quest
Type: Character quest
Level: 1

First quest in the chain:
icon - The Light of the Spirit
Previous quest in the chain:
icon - Restless Soul

Start NPC:
icon - Lorca
End NPC:
icon - Marrion

- Description:
You were able to resolve Lorca's resentment, and were able to send her back. Tell everything to Marrion.

The girl fades away.
As she fades, you can see her smiling.
Perhaps her resentment is gone, as she disappears.
Tell Marrion everything.

The girl looks peaceful as she smiles.
Now return to Marrion.

Did you end up searching around for the deserted house?
If what you're saying it's true, I'm at a loss for words.
Perhaps we were forgetting about
things we should never forget.
All these things you say
makes me rethink many things.
I shall tell this to the town villagers and Durgeff.
I shall tell them everything.
I shall remind them that sometimes...
That sometimes, we should remember the seventh Chengas.

Completion Target: Marrion
- Return to Marrion
Required actions:
  1. Meet NPC: Marrion

- Contribution EXP (800)
- Black Energy Residue
- Mourning Doll
- EXP (100)
Quest requirements
Finished quest: icon - Restless Soul
Game time: 22 - 7h
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RKTmt 20-11-2018 15:47
Can anyone confirm that this the last mision of the whole chain ?
BlanKu 1-02-2021 15:20
Yes it is.
JugoSweet 21-08-2024 19:41
Even if this questline is super cryptic and difficult, it's probable the most fun questline I've done (Thanks to BDOCODEX) in the game. The quest objectives connect with the narrative and the story seemed interesting and special. It reminded me a bit of Pathologic (Special kids with secrets) and Fatal Frame (Ghost Doll/Child). In WoW there was also some questline about creepy stories and these enrich the world around you differently.
Kyranda 21-08-2024 20:39
The Burned Inn/Hyal Family quest from WoW (pre-b*stardized version) was a good quest.

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