ID: 6500/10
Ferrica için İlaç
Koreli isim: 페리카를 위한 치료제
icon Görev
Bölge: Kamasylvia
Kategori: Genel Görev
Tip: Karakter arayışı
Level: 1

Görev zincirindeki ilk görev:
icon - Lanetlendim!
Görev zincirindeki bir önceki görev:
icon - Ferrina'yı Gördün mü?
Görev zincirindeki bir sonraki görev:
icon - Kayıp Kitap

Başlangıç NPC'si:
icon - Kamasylve Rahibi
Bitiş NPC'si:
icon - Kamasylve Rahibi

- Açıklama:
Tedavi için kullanılacak yeterli malzeme olmadığı için Eski Bilgelik Ağacının yakınındaki yaralı Ferricalar ve Ferrinalar tedavi eden Kamasylve Rahibi zor anlar yaşıyor. Eski Bilgelik Ağacının yakınında tedavi için kullanılacak malzemeleri geri getir.

Askerlerde Navarn Bozkırına her zamankinden daha fazla görevlendiriliyor.
Orada bir şeyler oluyor olmalı.
Aynı zamanda, bir sürü Ferrica ve Ferrina oradan yaralı geliyor.
Çoğu yaralanmış, onlara yetecek kadar ilacım yok.
Başkentten daha fazla ilaç istedim ama
bu kuşlar ilaçlar gelene kadar ölürler.
İlk yardım ilaçları hazırlamalıyım.
Malzemeleri temin etmeme yardım eder misin?

Lütfen acele et!
Çok fazla vaktimiz yok.

Teşekkür ederim. Kendi adıma elimden gelen her şeyi yaptım.
Şimdi her şey onlara bağlı.

Tamamlama Hedefi: Kamasylve Rahibi
- Eski Bilgelik Ağacının yakınındaki gölden su getir
- Depo Sorumlusunun tuttuğu bitki demliğini getir
- Obi Bellen'den merhem al
Gerekli eylemler:
  1. NPC ile tanış: Pırıltılı Gölet
  2. NPC ile tanış: Lumen
  3. NPC ile tanış: Obi Bellen

Ana Ödül
- Katkı EXP (150)
- Peridot Yaprak
- EXP (100)
Görev gereksinimleri
Level: 58+
Göre sırala: Puan Tarih
Combat Killer 10-05-2018 04:48
Here is a video i made showing how to complete this quest here ---> Video!

The confusion was, that you dont actually gather water by using a bottle, instead you click on an icon at the pond, to complete the gathering of water part of the quest.
Combat Killer 8-05-2018 18:25
I think the quest has changed, as i have the quest and none of these steps i have had to do.

I have went and got water and i just trying to work out where i need to put it.
Kiriak 9-05-2018 18:55
The complete conditions for this quest are the same for all language versions of the game. So they should be correct.
Combat Killer 9-05-2018 19:34
Well i had asked also in BDO official forums, and they are giving me all different kinds of advice.
Forum Link Here --> BDO POST

I may have to probably forfeit it again and ill record the whole entire thing, cause i dont remember having have to read books, but i do kind of remember reading all the books in the cave/hut before getting the quest, so maybe thats why, but like i said in BDO post and other comment here, i got WATER, but now what?
Kiriak 10-05-2018 02:31
Thanks for your screenshot with the description of the quest!
As it says, you have to bring the Water, the Herb Brewer and the Salve to the NPCs mentioned in the description. From the game's internal point of view it means, you have to interact with the Shining Pond and get the Water from it and then talk with the Lumen and Obi having two other items in your possession.

I've added the missing information regarding the completion conditions to the Conditions section and renamed the previously available conditions to the "Required actions".
Hopefully, the combination of this information will give you more clear picture of what you have to do here.
Combat Killer 10-05-2018 02:59
Yeah, but that is the problem, i have gathered water from that pond and nothing.
then perhaps i think its bugged, im going to report this, i have gathered water from that pnd like 5x.
Combat Killer 10-05-2018 03:48
Ok i found the confusion.

You dont actually gather any water at all, you have to go to a certain spot inside the pond (i provided screenshot) and interact in that particular spot.
Screenshot here --> 1

But i may forfeit the quest and do up a video, as i have been given a lot of different instructions on how to complete this quest.
Kiriak 10-05-2018 13:31
Thanks for the explanation! It'll be quite useful for others!
Anonymous 18-11-2017 04:25
first need to read 2 books in the tree inside from the left side
second speak with Rileysman (Girl) siting General goods vendor
third go to the Storage keeper to finish the Main quest...afthet that seh give a quest to speak with Obi Balen(owl)...exit ...and speak again with owl ...text under ...he give a item for a quest

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