ID: 43305
Level: 99
HP: 10,000
MP: 1
DP: 2
Kaçınma: 1
Hasar Azaltma: 1
Burç: Goblin
sympathy İlgi Leveli: 13 ~ 51
sympathy Beğeni: 32 ~ 38

İlgi Alanları:
İlahiyat I (0/6)
Sauniller (0/6)
Orman İnsanları (0/6)
- Açıklama:
Dalian, Khuruto arasında yaşlı.

Yaşına rağmen konuşuyor ve maceraperestlerle çok iyi anlaşıyor. Tüm Khuruto'nun en uzun yaşayan Trent'i olduğu söyleniyor.
Keşfedildiği zaman Bilgiyi verir:
- Dalian
Göre sırala: Puan Tarih
Anonymous 15-11-2016 14:55
1. Will Of Elion
2. Birth Of Faith
3. Evil God In Darkness
4. Dragon Watcher
5. Bell Ringing From The City
6. Tower Of Will

Reroll if interest too big.
Anonymous 22-02-2017 03:13
Spamm greet!
Anonymous 9-04-2017 18:26
After you get to the point where it costs 6 energy each try, yes then greeting is better. But he's not that bad actually, so in the beginning you can just try the Amity game.
I managed to get 304 with 96 before I started to wave at him happy.gif
CatWithCheese 25-04-2022 04:01
Yes, you can perfectly go with conversation and it's better than spamming greet, specially at the beginning, you only need amity buffs and patience. At 600 I had to start spamming greet since it was impossible to get successful conversations. I got 600 using only 130 energy.
Anonymous 14-04-2017 11:42

1. Will Of Elion
2. Dragon Watcher
3. Birth Of Faith
4. Evil Gods in Darkness
5. Tower Of Will
6. Bell Ringing from the City
gecko9 28-05-2019 19:11
Wow this guy is difficult, prepare to suffering
Torta 11-02-2020 06:26
Jogo da amizade em português:

1. Vontade de Elion
2. Observador do Dragão
3. Nascimento de Fé
4. Deuses do Mau da Escuridão
5. Torre de Vontade
6. Sinos da Metrópolis


1. Vontade de Elion
2. Nascimento de Fé
3. Deuses do Mau da Escuridão
4. Observador do Dragão
5. Sinos da Metrópolis
6. Torre de Vontade
RealGuru 27-09-2020 15:48
You don't need Khurutos knowledge from Dalian to complete Ethnicity I for 2/2 energy.
worm102 10-06-2021 13:14
Invest energy into Trent once to get to level 2. This allows you to talk to him easily. Do not have to wave happy.gif
vianori 16-07-2024 00:44
Для вызова интереса

1)После смерти
2)Воля Эллиан
3)Рождение Веры
4)Тени злых богов
5)Башня сильной воли
6)Наблюдение за драконами


1)Воля Эллиан
2)Наблюдение за драконами
3)Рождение Веры
4)Тени злых богов
5)Башня сильной воли
6)Звон колоколов

Для провала интереса

1)Путь покаяния
2)Звон колоколов
3)Методы инквизиции Эллиан
4)Тени злых богов
5)После смерти
6)Башня сильной воли

Провал в данных случаях зависит от рандома, бафов за последовательность на + интерес нет

5 и 6 пункт могут не прокнуть

Очков дружбы +8/+27/+53

Накопленная симпатия 77-93
максимальная симпатия 33-37

Вы не сможете провалить попытки вызвать интерес 3-5 раз, так что по возможности скипайте такие задания, не выбирайте задания в которых с первого раза требуется накопленная симпатия 70+ или максимальная симпатия выше 25(так как 5 и\или 6 знание могут не зайти)
Лучший вариант начинать разговор с задания "Поговорите с ..."
Учитывайте что за скип заданий вы теряете энергию чем больше очков дружбы, тем больше нужно энергии 4\6\8..., и выбирайте что для вас более профитно, пытаться получить ~50 очков дружбы или махать под бафами
Если махать под бафом Зелья крепкой дружбы +30%, Соленой рыбой +5% и костюмом (не шута) +10%, то вы получите +4 дружбы за 3 энергии

Учтите что это не 100% вариант поднятия дружбы с данным НПС, возможно что ему понравятся все знания, но вы не доберете симпатию и получите +0 на 2 или 3 этапе
Совет, завершайте разговор на 1 этапе, так как в 70% случаев вы не дойдете до конца, так вы получите больше очков дружбы чем за приветствие до момента когда будет меньше 400 дружбы, дальше лучше махать

Так же у НПС есть 2 задания которые дают в сумме 30 дружбы
ARIMOSH 1-01-2025 03:14
{Disclaimer: not an exact translation but matched to the NA knowledge database}

For Sparking Interest

1) After Death
2) Will of Elion
3) Birth of Faith
4) Evil Gods in Darkness
5) Tower of Will
6) Dragon Watcher


1. Will Of Elion
2. Dragon Watcher
3. Birth Of Faith
4. Evil Gods in Darkness
5. Tower Of Will
6. Bell Ringing from the City

For Failure to Spark Interest (Для провала интереса)

1) Road of Repentance
2) Bell Ringing from the City
3) An Elionian Definition of Heresy
4) Evil Gods in Darkness
5) After Death
6) Tower of Will

[Open of translator notes]

the better fail stack order (at least in NA) is

1) Tower of will
2) An Elionian Definition of Heresy
3) Evil Gods in Darkness
4) Bell Ringing from the City
5) After Death
6) Road of repentance


1) Башня сильной воли
2) Методы инквизиции Эллиан
3) Тени злых богов
4) Звон колоколов
5) После смерти
6) Путь покаяния

[Close of translator notes]

Failure rates are random, Buffs of interest increase don't exist.

The 5th and 6th points may not proc

Amity points +8/+27/+53

Accumulated favor 77-93
minimum Favor 33-37

You won't be able to spark interest 3-5 times when asked, therefore, when possible skip these requirements, don't do requirements where the first requirement requires 70+ accumulated favor or minimum favor of 25 ( since the 5 and/or 6 knowledges may not proc)
The best option begins with the requirement "speak with..." [talk freely]
Consider that for each skipped requirement (amity game) you lose energy the higher your amity, the more energy is required 4/6/8..., and choose what's most profitable for you, attempt to get ~50 points (amity) of friendship or wave with amity buffs popped.

If Waving, do so with the
1) Improved Elixer of Amity +30%,
2) pickled fish +5% and
3) Calpheon Noble Suit/Dress +15%,
and you will get +4 Amity per 3 energy

{Translator's Opinion ^this is the best method^}

Be aware that this isn't a 100% foolproof method for raising Amity with the given NPC, it's possible that he will like all the knowledge, but you may not achieve the required Favor and will receive +0 on 2 or 3 attempts
My recommendation/advice, end the conversation after the first round, as in roughly 70% of situations you won't make it to the end, this way you will receive more Amity points than for just greeting up to the point of 400 amity (friendship), past that it's better to wave.

The NPC also has 2 Quests (tasks) which give 30 amity as a reward.

Ethinicity I / Ethnicity l / Ethnicity 1

Knowledge Khuruto's

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