ID: 20379
Kadim Harabeler Müdafisi
Level: 40
HP: 750
MP: 1
DP: 393
Kaçınma: 327
Hasar Azaltma: 66
XP: 193,111
Skill XP: 64,891
Karma: 70
Knowledge drop chance: 50.00%

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Kadim Harabeler Müdafisi
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Kadim Harabeler’i koruyan bir Müdafi.
Süslü görünüyor, bir bakıma kendisi de değerli bir yadigar olabilir. Fakat yaklaşan canlılara hiç merhamet göstermiyor.
Kadim harabelere erişmek isteyen birçok maceracı bu cihaz tarafından acımasızca katledildi.
- Kadim Harabeler Müdafisi
Göre sırala: Puan Tarih
Anonymous 26-03-2016 07:28
It seems like these mobs dont spawn at all... Can anyone confirm or tell me actual location? I'm trying to do the quest and need to kill them but I can't find them on quest location and on location on this website.

EDIT: Nevermind, they spawn rate is super low, like once every 15-45 mins.
Anonymous 30-03-2016 07:38
they apparently spawn in the cave, (mine spawned at the door to the ancient Fragment) i destroyed gates, dunno if that triggered it. but i killed one and i got the questprogress. (it is not the same one as for the slatepieces, Keep that in mind)
Anonymous 11-04-2016 07:07
They are there you just can't see them, I'm not sure if you have to destroy the door to the last room or not (in my case I did) but if you hit at the air to the left and right of the door two will rise from the ground.
Anonymous 4-11-2016 23:18
Anonymous 11-04-2016 07:07
They are there you just can't see them, Im not sure if you have to destroy the door to the last room or not (in my case I did) but if you hit at the air to the left and right of the door two will rise from the ground.
Anonymous 1-02-2017 09:52
as noted previously, if you don't see them it's probably because people already cleared the cave very very recently.

they spawn at breakable doors. Just let your character face towards the highlighted circle in minimap and wait for the orange dots to pop.

works as of Feb 2017.
D1vahs 12-09-2022 18:28
Enter the cave via Bree Tree Ruins. youll find the collapsable doors there and defenders next to them.
Tanjah 15-05-2023 12:37
If you are too high level the Defenders will not aggro. Have your horse to aggro them instead. You can kill them once they wake up.

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Tarafından eklendi (28-11-2016)
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