ID: 1039/1
Queja aceptada
Nombre coreano: Complaint Registered
icon Misiones
Nombre de Región: Todo
Categoría: Misión general
Tipo: Búsqueda de personajes
Nivel: 1

Siguiente misión de la cadena:
icon - Calidad garantizada

NPC de inicio:
icon - Igor Bartali
NPC de finalización:
icon - Santo Manzi

- Descripción:
로기아 농장의 세베로 로기아가 산토만지에 대한 불평을 해왔다고 한다. 산토만지를 만나 원인이 될만한 것을 밝혀보자.

Objetivo: Santo Manzi
Acciones requeridas:
  1. Meet NPC: Santo Manzi

- Experiencia de contribución (50)
- Recupera 2 de Energía
Requisitos de la misión
Nivel: 100+
Solo para aquellos personajes cuyo número de índice sea par en tu cuenta del juego. El número de índice NO es la ranura del personaje, sino un contador de los personajes que has creado, incluyendo aquellos que has borrado.
No haber aceptado la misión: icon - [Básico de Recolección] Introducción al procesamiento
Necesario para iniciar las misiones
Ordenar por: Clasificación Fecha
Anonymous 19-09-2016 15:12
I have all of the quest requirements but this quest isn't showing up for me. Anyone know what the requirements for this quest are that are not listed here? (currently listed requirements are not done [gathering] introduction to production quest, at least level 0, and even index number.

Amended 12-10-2016: I've tried 7 other characters now following the requirements of this page and still have not gotten this quest. Something must be wrong here.
Kiriak 20-09-2016 04:16
This "character index number" requirement is quite confusing one. Some people reported that even with correct (by their measurements) index they could not get the quest. However they tried with another character and got it. I can only advise you to try with another character. Maybe make a new one.
Anonymous 25-09-2016 19:13
I know I have the correct index number because the Captured Ogre quest is available to me and it also requires an even index number. So, unless the listed requirement is incorrect and the quest requires an odd number, the index number should not be the problem here.

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